In this digital age, where virtually all businesses have an online presence, there’s a multitude of things people dislike about your website. It’s not a matter of personal taste or unjust criticism; it’s about website functionality, aesthetics, and the overall user experience. Your website’s popularity rests significantly on these three pillars.

Crafting Your Digital Front Door: The Art and Science of Web Design

Your website is, metaphorically, the digital front door to your business. When it’s appealing, intuitive, and resourceful, you can expect a steady stream of traffic and conversions. Like a well-designed physical store, a website has to be inviting, organized, and easy to navigate.

Two women smiling while looking at their laptops
Great web design goes beyond aesthetics; it significantly enhances user experience, making it pivotal to a website’s success.

However, it can be challenging to ensure that your website is visually pleasing while still ensuring that the site’s purpose—informing your audience about your product or service—is met. But knowing what things people dislike about your website, you can make sure to prevent this from happening. To help you, we’ve consulted web development experts, and here are eight things to avoid on your website.

1. The Frustration of Slow Loading Speed

In an online world that celebrates speed and convenience, a website’s loading speed becomes its lifeline. A snail-paced website can stir up impatience, leading to potential customers abandoning their virtual shopping carts and, in worst-case scenarios, hopping over to your competition.

Therefore, if your website is plodding along at a pedestrian pace, it’s crucial to realize that it’s one of the telltale warning signs that it’s time to redesign your website. In fact, it’s not just a matter of user experience; search engines like Google also prioritize faster websites, impacting your site’s visibility. So, to modernize your site and improve its pace, you could consider strategies like compressing your images, reducing unnecessary code, leveraging browser caching, or upgrading your hosting plan to speed up your website.

2. The Hassle of Non-Responsive Design

In this era of smartphones and tablets, a non-responsive website is equivalent to a digital faux pas. It’s also one of the biggest SEO mistakes you can make, as search engines favor mobile-friendly websites. Visitors have a reasonable expectation that your website will adapt and display correctly on their device, irrespective of its screen size.

A responsive design is not a luxury but a necessity in this mobile-dominated age. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you risk losing a significant portion of your potential audience. Thus, to avoid this pitfall, consider embracing a responsive web design that ensures your site is aesthetically pleasing and functionally effective, no matter the device it’s viewed on.

3. The Maze of Poor Navigation

The ability to swiftly and effortlessly navigate a website is a pivotal aspect of user experience. Visitors to your site shouldn’t need a map to find their desired destination. If your website structure resembles a labyrinth more than a neatly organized directory, you’re unknowingly creating a hurdle for your users. An unintuitive navigation bar or a layout as complex as a jigsaw puzzle can confuse and frustrate visitors, sometimes to the point of no return.

That’s where the advice from web design professionals at comes in handy. They advocate for simple, user-friendly navigation structures, often achieved through well-labeled navigation bars and logically organized page hierarchies. Implementing a well-thought-out navigation structure can dramatically improve the user experience, keeping visitors engaged and less likely to bounce off to another site.

4. The Nuisance of Intrusive Pop-ups

Pop-ups can serve a purpose. They can be a powerful tool for lead generation, email subscriptions, or highlighting specific promotions. However, their misuse can quickly transform them from a useful feature into a major annoyance. Intrusive pop-ups that spring up frequently, obstructing the visitor’s view of your content, can be a genuine source of irritation.

Person holding their hands on their head and looking stressed while researching things people dislike about your website
Overusing intrusive pop-ups can quickly become one of the prominent things people dislike about your website.

Pop-ups should be carefully employed in a way that enhances rather than disrupts the user experience. For example, consider timing your pop-ups to appear after the visitor has spent some time on your site rather than bombarding them the second they land. Balance is the key to utilizing pop-ups effectively without irritating your visitors.

5. The Chaos of Poor Content Organization

Time is a precious commodity for internet users. Visitors to your site value their time and wish to find the information they’re seeking swiftly, without wading through an ocean of text. If your website’s content resembles a jumbled jigsaw puzzle rather than a neatly organized library, you’re setting up a barrier that could deter potential customers.

Good content organization is not just about the clarity of your writing but also about how the information is structured. Break up your content into digestible sections, use headings and subheadings effectively, employ bullet points or numbered lists where possible, and use white space to provide visual breathing room. Remember, structure and clarity in the content organization can significantly enhance your website’s appeal and usability.

6. The Deterrent of Outdated Design

Outdated design is a significant drawback that can make your website appear unprofessional and less trustworthy. Given that internet users tend to equate the quality of a website’s design with the quality of its products or services, a dated design can harm your online reputation.

Therefore, stay updated with current design trends, utilize modern fonts and color schemes, and pay attention to the latest best practices in web design. In essence, a fresh and contemporary design can enhance your site’s aesthetic appeal and credibility, ultimately helping you improve your e-commerce customer experience and leading to better user engagement and higher conversion rates.

7. The Search for Contact Information

A key purpose of a business website is to enable potential customers to contact you easily. Hence, it’s counterproductive and frustrating for visitors if your contact information is buried in an obscure corner of your website or, worse, missing altogether. It causes irritation and may create a sense of mistrust among visitors, making them question your legitimacy.

Your contact information should be easy to locate, ideally just a click away from any page on your website. This includes your physical address, telephone number, email, and social media links

8. The Intrusion of Autoplay Videos

While videos can be an engaging way to communicate your message, autoplay videos, especially those with sound, can be a significant nuisance. A video that starts playing the moment a visitor lands on your site can be startling and annoying. Not to mention, it consumes data and may slow down the site for users with limited internet bandwidth.

Person browsing pictures on a tablet
Autoplay videos, especially those with sound, can be a significant nuisance, instantly disrupting a user’s browsing experience.

It’s important to give your users control over their browsing experience, which includes when and if they want to watch a video. Rather than automatically playing videos, offer a play button and let your users decide. Remember, user choice is paramount for creating a positive and respectful website experience.

Turning the Tables: Enhancing Your Website Experience

Your website design significantly impacts user experience, traffic, and conversion rates. By paying attention to these eight things people dislike about your website, you can turn around their experience and foster greater engagement and loyalty. Remember, a well-designed website is an invaluable asset in our digital world. So make sure to make the most of it!

Meta Description:

Discover the eight things people dislike about your website and learn how to turn the tide for better user engagement and conversion rates.

Author’s bio:

Jake Mitchell is a seasoned digital marketing expert focusing on enhancing online user experience. With over a decade in the industry, his insights have helped numerous businesses optimize their web presence and drive growth. Jake loves reading crime novels and going on weekend hiking trips in his spare time.